Lutheran Boy Pioneers
What is a Lutheran Pioneer? The dictionary tells us that a Pioneer is "someone who goes before, preparing the way." It is someone who leads. The word "pioneer" is French, meaning foot soldier. You have become a foot soldier for Christ.
Boy Pioneers consist of groups of boys in grades 1 through grade 12. Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, September - May, from 6:30-8:00 pm. Document
Lutheran Girl Pioneers
Lutheran Girl Pioneers encourages girls and leaders to do all things according to God's Word and out of love and respect for God. LGP offers opportunities for fellowship and encourages service to family, church, and community with the motto, "Loyal to Christ." LGP strives to center all of its activities in the teachings of the Holy Bible.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Chruch Basement
Youth League
The Youth League is a group of confirmed 7th grade-high school students. Our purpose is to keep our young people together in congregational activities, even though they are attending three different high schools, Lakeside Lutheran High School, Luther Preparatory School, and Watertown High School. Every Sunday there is a Teen Bible Study in the Council Chambers.
The Mission of our Teen Ministry
The purpose of our teen ministry is to use God's Word to strengthen young members in their faith in Christ and also to equip them to live as God's people in their homes, in their work and leisure, and in church and society. We encourage our teens to put their Christian faith into practice and we want to give our teens opportunities to do so. Parental involvement is also important for our teen ministry to be a success - we need your cooperation and help.
The Youth League serves the congregation in many ways during the year. They participate in the international youth rally, hold a brat fry every summer, and sponsor and promote congregational food items.
We would like to take a trip to Great America during the summer
If you are interested in assisting the Youth League as a leader or just as a helper, please contact Pastor Nicholas Quinnett.
Mornings With Mommy
Educational playdates for children & their caregiver.
Stay connected with our Facebook pages for current events here:
Cradle Roll
The Cradle Roll program focuses on the spiritual growth of our member's children from baptism to age 3. We have a current enrollment of 39. The goal is to help parents teach their children about Jesus.
Literature is sent to parents along with a book of Bible stories at age 2, a devotion book at age 2½, and more. At the age of three the children have completed the Cradle Roll and their name is given to the church office for enrollment in the Sunday School program.
If you have a child younger than 3 years old who has not been enrolled in the Cradle Roll program, please call the church office.
Sunday School
Sunday School classes meet from the Sunday after Labor Day through May until the Sunday before Memorial Day weekend. Classes for children age three through 6th Grade are held in the church basement. Sunday School offering envelopes are provided for our children to help learn good stewardship of God's gifts.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School usually runs the third week of June from Monday through Friday 9:00 through 11:30 am for ages 3 through 6th grade.
Please watch for registration information for this summer’s VBS program on our Facebook page.