WhatAboutJesus.com has many resources to introduce you to who Jesus is and study the Bible.
Our support team is available every day to make sure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help.
As much as we try to cope with life circumstances, sometimes we need a
little extra help. Our pastors are experienced in sharing God’s healing Word in every situation and can offer assistance through a scheduled conversation. We’ve built this partnership so that St. John’s is a place where members and people in the
community can connect with the resources for mental health and wellness.
Time of Grace connects people to God’s grace—his love, glory, and power—so they realize the temporary things of life don’t satisfy. However, through Jesus we have access to the eternal God—right now and forever.
Awake and Alive is a Christian ministry for the 18-25 generation of young adults and young adult leaders.
Conquerors through Christ exists to help people
from porn use or addiction.
made. known. is a website dedicated to “Walking with you in faith through identity, gender, and sexuality.” We do so by providing a constantly growing library of written resources, as well as dedicated support through speaking engagements and personal connections.