Camp Oak Ridge
St. John’s Congregation is a member of the Camp Oak Ridge Association. This gives every one of our members the privilege of using this fine camping facility. The Camp is operated by about 10 different WELS congregations from Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. We have just been granted Member status. Our Boy Pioneers Group pays the $300.00 of the $450.00 annual fee for our congregation.
The campground does not take reservations and the sites are not numbered. There are fire pits and fire wood is available at no cost (within reason) The entire campground is clean and beautiful. There are modern facilities complete with showers. There is a dump station. There are water and electrical hookups throughout the campground. In the worst rains, there is no mud. There are hiking trails too.
All of the campers you meet there are WELS members.
How to Use Camp Oak Ridge?
To use the campground, you will need a key. Keys can be signed out in the church office or by calling Loren Lange at 342-2612. Please call a few days ahead to make arrangements to pick up the keys.
How much does it cost?
The cost to camp is $ 10 per night per RV site and $5 per night per tent site. There is an extra charge for using the dump station, but that is all.
What a wonderful way to have a low-cost weekend or even a summer vacation.
Swimming and Fishing?
There is no lake or pond on site, but several are in the area.
More info at:
Christian Company
This was "The Couples' Club". Our new name is Christian Company (like having "company" come to visit), expanded to include all our adult members.
The purpose of St. John's Christian Company is to give members at St. John's an opportunity for Christian Fellowship. Our meetings are usually held on the third weekend of the month, although that can change depending on the activity. The September meeting is our planning meeting when we set up the calendar for the coming year. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions! The current year's calendar can be obtained in the church office or by contacting any one of the officers. Information for each activity is published in the church bulletin and also in the monthly Observer.
Attending a Christian Company activity doesn't mean make a commitment to the group. We have members who only attend one or two activities a year, and some who come to almost every activity.
If an activity sounds interesting to you, contact the hosts in charge for the month and give it a try. You never know, you just might enjoy yourself! Some of our activities include an Admirals hockey game and dinner, Sweethearts dinner, a dinner theatre night, game night, golf outing and cookout, dinner and movie, Packer party and brunch, our annual Christmas Party and caroling, and of course the Church Picnic food stand.
All adult members of the congregation are welcome to join us at any activity during the year. This is a great way for new members as well as those who have been here a while to get to know other members in the church. Join us as we continue to grow as a family in Christ and to serve each other in our congregation. Come and join us for some good Christian Company!
Dart Ball
St. John’s team plays in the Lutheran Dartball League. Each year there are 10 or more teams in the league from Watertown and surrounding communities. In past years there have been as many as 16 teams competing.
Games are played at the churches or schools. The games are played with 9 people on each team, and many of baseball’s rules are the same as in dartball. A large 6 inch weighted dart is thrown underhand at the four-foot square board from twenty feet away and all the spaces on the board are surrounded by a thin wire so there are no disputes about whether the batter is out or on base. Three nine-inning games are played at each meeting of the teams.
In the past few years, a handicap system has been used in the scoring so it gives all the teams a chance to win some games that may just be out of reach against the better teams in the league.
Play usually starts in mid-September and runs till the beginning of March. The top teams go through playoff games and finally one ends up as the champion. There has always been a league banquet at the end of the season where the trophies and plaques are handed out for the top teams and also for the top individual high averages and RBIs.
Dartball has been part of St. John’s for many decades and there is an antique board displayed on the wall in the school cafeteria that goes back to the 40s.
It’s usually a fun evening of fellowship with teammates and old friends from the other churches and new members are always welcome.
If you want to learn more about it look for a home game in the bulletin announcements and come to the school cafeteria to watch the games, they are played on Monday evenings and start at 7:30 pm, or contact John Goeglein at 261-5166 for information.
Ladies Evening Fellowship
The Ladies Evening Fellowship is a wonderful way for ladies of St. John's to keep in touch with each other. Fellowship and bible study focused on a Christian woman's life. We meet on the Fourth Thursday of the month (except June and July) at a member's home at 7:00 p.m. At each meeting, the hostess leads our group in devotion, conducts the meeting, and serves dessert and refreshments.
We always welcome new members to our organization to share in fellowship with ladies at St. John's. For further information call Patricia Kuerschner at 261-4042.
Ladies Aid
The purpose of this society is:
to foster Christian fellowship and sociability.
to assist in the charitable endeavors of the church.
to cooperate generally in charitable works.
giving glory to God and for the welfare of the church.
Ladies Aid meets September through June on the first Wednesday of the month in the lower level of the church in the early afternoons usually between noon and 1:00 p.m. Each month our program consists of either a Bible Study led by one of the Pastors or a guest speaker or crafts.
The ladies serve for funerals and host a Lenten meal. A bake and craft sale is held in December and a Country Store is held at the Church Picnic in June.
Some of the Ladies Aid activities include hearing from missionaries and others who have traveled abroad, enjoying Christian concerts, and purchasing flowers for the altar at Easter and Christmas.
The Ladies Aid has also given donations of money to St. John's School, St. John's Building Fund, the ROC, missions, the Altar Guild, and St. John's Debt Retirement.
The Sunshine Committee visits members in the hospital, nursing homes, and homebound, sending cards and gifts on special occasions.
God has given the Ladies Aid a special blessing in the services they perform.
Please come and join us as we strive to do all to the Glory of God. Guests are always welcome.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group that serves each week to care for the sanctuary of the church and to prepare it for each service. Two or three members are designated each month to serve as a team. Their names are listed in the bulletin each Sunday. Some of their duties are changing paraments for the altar and Pastors’ robes, taking care of the communion ware, and preparing various linens and flowers for each Sunday and for weddings. For weddings, the Altar Guild prepares the candelabras and wedding candles if requested.
Baptismal napkins are made by Darlene Kuerschner of the guild and are given to the child at baptism as a remembrance.
The garden of flowers for Easter and the poinsettia display at Christmas are arranged by the Altar Guild with flowers donated by the members of St. John’s. To add additional beauty to the church during the Christmas season, the Guild places wreaths, garlands, and candles under the stained glass windows and along the balcony. The Christmas trees were donated by Joan Flynn in memory of her husband, Gerald. The Altar Guild helps decorate the trees with Christian symbols and ornaments.
The Altar Guild seeks to serve the congregation and glorify God by beautifying His House; thus, enhancing the worship of God’s people. The Guild welcomes memorials to give them the necessary income to provide for the needs of the church. Since 1999, seven new sets of paraments were purchased for the church. Through generous donations, new candelabras were purchased in 2013.
If you would like to place flowers in the chancel on any Sunday to the glory of God, in memory of a loved one, or in honor of a wedding or anniversary, please sign the flower chart on the bulletin board at the entrance to the church or call the Altar Guild team of the month. You may pick up your flowers after the 10:30 worship service, or the Altar Guild team will deliver the flowers to a shut-in or someone in a nursing home or the hospital.
The Altar Guild would like to express thanks to the husbands who help and support the work of their wives—they are “honorary members”. There are some junior members in the 7th & 8th-grade classes. They assist with the stripping of the Altar on Maundy Thursday and other church preparations.
Any congregational members wishing to serve on this committee please contact one of the officers of the Altar Guild. The meetings are held on the second Thursday in January, April, July, and October at 7:00 p.m. More members are always welcome!
Church Picnic
St. John's Church Picnic is held every year on the second Sunday in June. Thank you to all the businesses that contributed to our silent auction at the picnic on June 11, 2023:
Blue Butterfly Thrift Store
Marco's Pizza
Milwaukee Brewers
Amber Hady
Hometown Pharmacy
Piggly Wiggly
Silica for Your Home
Brown's Shoe Fit Co.
Dick's Sporting Goods
Auburn Ridge
Dave's Turf & Marine
Grinwald Ford
The Chic Boutique
Rose Garden/Leonardo's Italian Bistro
Main Street Cafe
Wine Maniacs
Watertown Massage Therapy
Lake Mills Vet Clinic
Glenn's Market & Catering
Riverview Chiropractic
Gentle Therapies
Pristine Health LLC
Draeger's Floral
The Diamond Center
Trek Bicycle Corporation
Brew Pub Pizza
Kraemer's Cheese
Hepp Excavating, Inc.