My name is Abby Gaulke and I will be serving as your new third grade teacher and cheerleading coach. I have a long history in the WELS as I was born and raised at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Beaver Dam Wisconsin. My parents are Russell and Colleen Foster. I knew from second grade that I wanted to serve my Lord in the public ministry as a teacher. I went on to Luther Preparatory High School where I happened to meet my husband Jonathan Gaulke, who currently serves as your 6th grade teacher. Then I went on to Martin Luther College where I received my Bachelor’s degree in Education with an emphasis in History.
I took my first call to Immanuel Lutheran in Waukegan, Illinois where I served as their preschool teacher, childcare director, and cheer coach for 9 years. During those nine years God blessed me with three beautiful girls, Annalese who is now 16, Mikaela who is now 14, and Victoria who is 11.
After I served in Waukegan, I took a small break from the ministry to take care of my Father in Law, however, I continued to sub, and serve as the director of my Sunday School program at our little church of Immanuel in Farmington. Then in 2020 God decided to call my Father in law home to Heaven, and I returned to the ministry first serving in the day cares of St. Peter’s Lutheran School in Helenville, and at St. Paul’s Lake Mills. God called me full time to St. Peter’s Lutheran School as their first and second grade teacher for 4 years. I also served as their choir director. That leads me to my call here at St. Johns, as your third grade teacher.
I look forward to serving here at St. John’s this year and hopefully many years to come. Thank you for your confidence in me as a called worker in this ministry.