Mr. Jackson Lindemann

Jackson Lindemann grew up in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin with his parents, Rev. Peter and Kris Lindemann, and his three older brothers, Rev. Jason Lindemann, Rev. Jared Lindemann, and Vicar Jonas Lindemann. He

attended high school at Luther Preparatory

School (‘20) and college at Martin Luther

College (‘24). At MLC, he met his fiancee,

Jordyn Heckendorf, who is currently a tutor

at LPS. The two of them are planning to get

married in June 2025, at which time Jackson

will move into the dorms with her, Lord willing, as he will continue his studies at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Jackson is very excited to be learning about the pastoral ministry under Pastor Ewings and Pastor Quinnett, as well as serving the people of St. John’s for the next two years. May the Lord bless our time together.

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