Pastor Jerry Ewings

Jerry Ewings was born into the Christian home of Raleigh and Florence

Ewings on St. Patrick’s Day, 1957, A.D. He was born into the family of God

at his Baptism the following month in his home. Born in Chippewa Falls,

Wisconsin, he grew up on a dairy farm near Jim Falls. He had an older

sister, three older brothers and a younger brother.

Sometime during his years at Cornell Elementary School, the idea arose

that he might want to study for the ministry. He spent the 70’s in

Watertown (’71-’79) at Northwestern Prep and Northwestern College.

After college, he met Lori K. Neils, a Lutheran Elementary School teacher in

Egg Harbor, Wisconsin. They were married at her home church in St. Peter,

Minnesota. Their marriage has been blessed with the gift of five children

and five in-laws, Cindy/Corey Stillman of Johnson Creek, Christopher/Cara

Ewings of Anchorage, Alaska, Carrie Kay/Dan Zak of Brookfield,

Andrew/Ivy Ewings of Monroe and Benjamin/Maria Ewings of Watertown.

All five children are graduates both of Lakeside Lutheran HS and Martin

Luther College. He also has 16 grandchildren at present, with another on

the way.

Jerry was ordained into the holy ministry July 14, 1985, A.D., starting a new

mission in Alpharetta, Georgia. He was a parish pastor in Lake City,

Minnesota and DeForest, Wisconsin, as well as teaching at Lakeside

Lutheran and most recently serving in the ministry of Christian giving for

the WELS.

He is installed as Associate Pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church in

Watertown on June 25 th , the 494 th anniversary of the Presentation of the

Augsburg Confession. Pr. Ewings submits this plan to the Lord: he will

remain active until June 25, 2030, A.D., the 500 th anniversary of this

Confession. The Lord who has guided the past of His Church, of St. John’s,

of Jerry Ewings and his family, will be the one to make the decision on

these plans. We know His plans not only will determine our future, they are

superior to all our planning. May the Heavenly Father lead on!

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